Agenda Item

4.1 21-505 9:00 A.M. - PUBLIC HEARING - Consideration of the Recommended Budget for Fiscal Year 2021-22 for the County of Lake and Special Districts Governed by the Board of Supervisors a) Consideration of the FY 2021-22 Recommended Budget b) Consideration of the proposed Resolution Amending the Position Allocation Chart for FY 2021-22 to Conform to the Recommended Budget c) Consideration of Authorization for affected Department Heads to proceed with purchasing selected Capital Assets prior to the adoption of the FY 2021-22 Final Recommended Budge

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    Barbara Clark about 3 years ago

    Thank you for the opportunity to discuss the positive impacts of the arts on community and economic development.
    As the “State Local Partner” since 1981, Lake County Arts Council (LCC) has provided arts programming and support for local arts organizations and artists, including fire recovery and Covid-19.
    Established 2019, the Lake Co. Arts Consortium partnership includes LCC, Middletown Art Center, Lake Co. Rural Arts Initiative, Lake Co. Theatre, and Childrens' Museum of Art & Science, providing a means to utilize funds in an inclusive and equitable manner as we integrate the arts into the fabric of local life.
    In the past 1.5 years alone, “Lake Arts” has brought over $320K to Lake County through federal and state grants sustaining 14 jobs and numerous contracted positions. Additional grants are pending.
    Grant success relies on local government support. We are asking to be a part of the County budget to sustain our vital work and expand programs for youth, tourism, and public art.

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    Brian Fisher about 3 years ago

    We request an annual contribution of 50% of the amount allocated to M&ED, which in this fiscal year would be $156,000. LCTID’s marketing efforts is Economic Development. Tourist dollars have a multiplier effect in the local economy. The LCTID is complimentary to the work of the EDTF.
    The LCTID started marketing in 2019 and has seen significant gains in social, PR and website traffic. Our campaign includes billboards in SF and Sac and enhanced digital campaigns. Clearlake contributed $20,000 in 2019, Lakeport and tribal councils have stated their willingness to support projects in development. The scale of resources available to neighboring counties dwarfs the funds available to the LCTID. An adequately funded LCTID will produce results leading to increased TOT revenue allowing the County to increase its support for other county services. Please approve our request for $156,000 in this budget.
    LCTID Board

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    Michael Green over 3 years ago

    I'm writing in strong support of the draft cannabis tax policy and one-time budget allocations. The proposal is very much in keeping with what Lake County voters supported with Measures C and K. The county is delivering on its promises with help from state-licensed growers. I can say this with confidence and some pride as treasurer of the 2016 Yes on C campaign.

    A quick note on youth programs. The gist of the policy summary is that Prop. 64 made youth and peer programs the top priority for disbursement of state cannabis tax revenues. Lake County was an early adopter in seeking Prop. 64 grants and was awarded nearly $1 million in 2020 for code enforcement and wrap-around youth and family services. The current 2.5% request for youth programs is scaled correctly because the state will provide the lion's share of youth program funding. The public can learn more about the Proposition 64 grant program at