Agenda Item

6.9 21-514 2:30 P.M. - Discussion on drought related issues: a) How to handle future ag projects b) How to handle water trucks c) How to deal with illegal cannabis

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    Sean Connell over 3 years ago

    This is not an attempt to address the Drought. This is selective to cannabis within the County. How many non-cannabis agriculture projects are with CDD? How many non-cannabis agriculture project require a use permit?
    YOLO County Flood Control has zero enforcement of the water trucks from their county. What is YOLO County doing to address this? Why are Lake County residents being held responsible for the actions of residents of another county?
    What is the DA's stance on illegal cultivation? Under State law it is a misdemeanor, and if the DA will not prosecute these violators, then there is not way to stop them from illegal cultivation.
    It is time for a cannabis specific department, one focused on the industry. It will attract the right people to the job, and provide a better response time to the community as a whole.

    I suggest taking a step back, and creating a plan for the future. Do not continue to try and build the plane while flying it, it has not worked so far.

    Attachments: Item6.9_6.8.21.pdf
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    Lake Co Resident over 3 years ago

    Thank you to Supervisor Sabatier for bringing this important issue to the boards attention. As we are faced with another drought year, water diversion via water trucks for illegal use is one major source that needs to be addressed as it is becoming more and more common. The county may also consider placing a moratorium on new well drilling permits with an exemption for necessary residental uses. When water truck are unavailable, some may resort to drilling commercial ag wells which is also unsustainable. Water is one thing we cannot determine when we will recieve more of and everyone should be very mindful of usage. Large scale commercial cannabis cultivation also differs from most other ag crops since cannabis is planted above ground in fabric bags which significantly reduces the groundwater replenishment ability and most of it is lost to evaporation. Please protect the one resource that none of us can live without.....WATER! Thank you.

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    Blank Blank over 3 years ago

    To: The Honorable Bruno Sabatier, Chair BOS: As a multiple Lake County homeowner - I read your concerns and suggestions related to drought related issues facing us all in Lake County. I believe that in this coming severe drought year it is high time for facing the multi-faced negative affects that illegal grows have on our community as well as on our precious natural resources, none being more important than water. I read with glowing approval your suggestion to impose restrictions on water trucks such that only those who are permitted for legal/licensed activities should be allowed "to move water around our lake." Secondly, although your suggestion of implementing passwords for water draws is well intended - it doesn't address the big issue of illegal lake, creek and well water draws. Finally, your suggestion of "needing to take action" against illegal grows couldn't be more timely and of utmost seriousness. Please Lake County BOS we need to act aggressively against illegal grows!