Agenda Item

6.6 21-469 10:00 A.M. - PUBLIC HEARING - Discussion and Consideration of Appeal to Board of Supervisors, AB 21-01 for Major Use Permit, UP 20-22 and IS / MND 20-25, "We Grow LLC"

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    Bobby Dutcher over 3 years ago

    This property is zoned for agricultural use and the project conforms to Lake County's cultivation ordinance. To the applicants credit, they are entitled to 15 acres of outdoor cultivation on this site, yet have voluntarily chosen to reduce the allowable canopy and cultivate within greenhouses, thereby reducing water use and mitigating odor. The owners of this property deserve the same amount of respect for their property rights as the neighbors complaining. The Hidden Valley community has some very opinionated folks, they have recently appealed a grocery store and complained about upgrading their own clubhouse. I'm sure the BOS would hear an appeal if this owner were proposing a school or a church. While not popular, this project does meet all of the criteria for a cultivation project and I don't see how their property rights can be denied

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    Lisa Kaplan over 3 years ago

    I am grateful to each of you for your service to our community.

    Communities surrounding the proposed project will be impacted by noise, smell, and light pollution. Though thoughtful mitigations to limit light pollution are required, smell and sound are not so easily contained.

    Use of a small rural road for business will greatly impact a quiet residential community.

    Residents invested in their properties to live near enough to others, yet far enough from traffic and noise to hear frogs and crickets, enjoy truly dark skies, and the smells of the natural world.
    These long-time community members include teachers, school parents, business people, school board members, etc. Compare their needs to the applicant who has no stake in our community.

    Importantly: With a “drought emergency proclamation” and 6-years of wildfires, all new developments should be required to adhere to stringent water regulations and demonstrate no harm to neighbors prior to permit consideration.

    Thank you.

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    Donna Mackiewicz over 3 years ago

    This type of project does not belong in this area. It is a family neighborhood. Careful consideration moving forward on placement of cannabis operations should be looked at. Could a firetruck and traffic leaving in an emergency drive safely on Spruce Grove and other streets getting to the entrance? The studies done did not seem very thorough.

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    Glen Marks over 3 years ago

    We own the the 5 ac. parcel directly to the North and on the hill above proposed green houses.
    The building site on our property looks directly at the site of the proposed 36 ? greenhouses .
    There are NO TREES to block the view and there is NO WAY a high fence will hide the view.
    We purchased this property in a very quiet residential subdivision . This project will turn our
    residential streets into an industrial thoroughfare where children will not be safe.
    In addition there is the water issue. This project could take water from every property
    in the subdivision. This would be CATISTROFIC to the property owners there .
    Glen Marks

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    Trey Sherrell over 3 years ago

    Per Article 27 at i. Permits, (b) Minor and Major Use Permits for Commercial cannabis cultivation, d. Permit application supplemental information, (10) Site Plan: "A site plan is a graphic representation of the project consisting of maps, sit plans, or drawings prepared by a design professional consistent with the requirements of the Department pursuant to Article 55.5."
    In the California Civil Code, "Design professional means a person licensed as an architect pursuant to Chapter 3 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, licensed as a landscape architect pursuant to Chapter 3.5 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, registered as a professional engineer pursuant to Chapter 7 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, or licensed as a land surveyor pursuant to Chapter 15 of division 3 of the Business and Professions Code."
    The Site Plans prepared for this Major Use Permit Application do not appear to have been prepared by a Design Professional.

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    Frank Murphy over 3 years ago

    1. Water Usage: The proposed project will use over 5 million gallons of water a year, drilling a commercial well during drought years is ludicrous,
    2..Odor Control: the project is to be built in a location where it will be next to impossible to keep the odor from drifting into the nearby subdivision of Hidden Valley Lake. Many complaints about odor a called in to the governing agency in an adjacent county, one staff member responded to the complaint by saying "If you don't like the odor, you don't have to live there?" Many other complaints are responded to with sarcasm. We don't need this in Lake County.
    3.Crime| Sheriffs in Mendocino, Humboldt and Trinity Counties have reported and increase in violent crime since marijuana has been legalized.
    4. Transient Population: Many of the employees will be transient and will be out of work in the off season, what then?
    Frank Murphy
    Hidden Valley Lake CA
