Agenda Item

5 21-423 9:25 a.m. Public Hearing to consider MINOR USE PERMIT (MUP 18-28) on Thursday May 13, 2021 in the Board of Supervisors' Chambers, 255 N. Forbes Street, Lakeport, California. Applicant: Noble Farms. Owner: Patricia Lanier. Proposed Project: A six phase development for Commercial Cannabis that would include three commercial cannabis cultivation licenses - two A-Type 2B Mixed Light Cannabis licenses to allow phased development of 10,000 sq. ft. of outdoor canopy area and one greenhouse for immature plants by the end of Phase Six, and a 'Type 13 Self Distribution' license that would allow legal transportation of cannabis to and from the site. Location: 18211 Ponderosa Trail, Lower Lake, CA; APN: 012-048-11. Environmental Evaluation: Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS 18-33).

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    Erin McCarrick over 3 years ago

    I have worked with the applicant for the past year and highly recommend this applicant to be approved for a Minor Use Permit for cannabis cultivation. The applicant has obtained their state license and is committed to being a compliant cannabis operator. Patty and her family are also committed to sustainable farming and really care for the land. As we work to build a sustainable cannabis industry that is rooted in Lake County, Noble Farms are ones that are important to that mission. Thank you Commissioners for your consideration.