Agenda Item

9. 21-321 9:45 a.m. Continued from PC Meeting April 8th, 2021. Public Hearing to consider a Major Use Permit (UP 19-31) to consider approval of a commercial cannabis cultivation project on a 333+ acre property, and consideration of adopting a Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS 19-39) on Thursday April 22, 2021, 9:45 a.m., in the Board of Supervisors' Chambers, 255 N. Forbes Street, Lakeport, California. Applicant / Owner: Badlands LLC. Proposed Project: Twelve (12) A-Type 3 medium outdoor cannabis cultivation licenses requesting 529,560 sq. ft. of cannabis cultivation area and one (1) A-Type 13 self-distribution license. Location: 21518 Bartlett Springs Road, Lucerne, CA; APN: 016-032-01. Environmental Evaluation: Mitigated Negative Declaration.

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    Donna Mackiewicz almost 4 years ago

    Opposition to the following: “333-acre property…fire effectively eliminated potential flora and fauna”. After an extreme fire it looks like there is no plant life – a seral forest value should not be taken lightly. Opposition to “a biological study was performed, and no sensitive plant or animal species were observed.” If the biologist is not trained in seral forest communities, the value would be overlooked. Deeper site biological studies should be done. The value of a recovering forest has a long-term positive affect on the county in so many ways. It might seem lifeless to an untrained eye but it is alive. Case study in Jackson State Demonstration Forest could be referenced, as could my eBird sightings on burned lands in Lake County.

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    LCCA President almost 4 years ago

    The LCCA wholeheartedly supports the approval of UP19-31, the Badlands LLC project. Please see the attached letter of support.

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    Robert Ross almost 4 years ago

    I have heard that there was a potential issue raised w/ cultivation projects traversing through BLM land. I would like to point out that over the 3+ years there’s been no intervention in this county or any other county for grows that have the same access issues. Trinity county is a great example since the majority of the county is federally managed. BLM clearly has their hands full with illegal grows, environmental problems on their land, and fire prevention that there seems to be a very slim chance that they would take resources away from those important problems to go after LEGAL cannabis growers. There has been no indication that they have any intention to do so in any county since cannabis was fully legalized in 2018. I am involved in Northern California Cannabis Real Estate, and I have looked closely into this issue. Thanks.