Agenda Item

6. 21-318 9:30 a.m. Public Hearing to consider MAJOR USE PERMIT (UP 19-08) on Thursday April 22, 2021, 9:30 a.m., in the Board of Supervisors' Chambers, 255 N. Forbes Street, Lakeport, California. Applicant / Owner: Golden State Herb. Proposed Project: (1) A Type 3 (medium outdoor) commercial cannabis cultivation license; (4) A-Type 2 small outdoor commercial cannabis licenses, and (1) A-Type 13 'self-distribution' license. Location: 8550 Highway 175, Kelseyville, CA; APN: 011-055-06. Environmental Evaluation: Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS 19-14).

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    Concerned Citizen almost 4 years ago

    This is the third time that this project has been before the Planning Commission in 2021. I can see by its UP number that it has been in the process of applying for at least 2 years. I do not understand how any project can be continued so many times and subject to ever changing rules and regulations. How is any project with in the County to move forward if the rules are constantly changed? This farm has been operating in compliance for two years. It is time to approve this project so they can utilize their two years of transition and get to realizing the benefit of their investment instead of being held hostage. Please approve this project under the fair and appropriate regulations in a timely manner.