Agenda Item

7.2 21-288 (a) Consideration of First Reading of Amendment to Commercial Cannabis Cultivation for those impact by the Farmland Protection Zone Chapter 21, Section 27.13 (at) 1 (vi); and (b) Consideration of Updated direction for RFP regarding Programmatic EIR

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    Damien Ramirez over 3 years ago

    This is being sent on behalf of the LCCA. Thank you.

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    Crystal Keesey over 3 years ago

    This amendment has undergone significant changes via stakeholder input in the last few months--evidence of the value of input from many perspectives to find a reasonable middle ground for ALL. As an applicant affected by these changes, I am in support of this language and urge the BOS to approve this amendment TODAY, as any further delays will eliminate the season for the County's most vetted applicants scheduled for Planning Commission hearings with Staff support to approve. A question: why does our Ag Comm.&Farm Bureau advocate for&the BOS enact rules PROTECTING perpetrators of drift if CA FOOD&AG CODEĀ§112996.(a) states "Every person who violates any provision of this division relating to pesticides, or any regulation issued pursuant to a provision of this division relating to pesticides, is guilty of a misdemeanor."? Tasking the cannabis industry(victims of potential drift)with the economic (greenhouses)and land use burden (draconian setbacks) to solve the problem is NOT the answer.

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    LCCA Admin over 3 years ago

    Please see attached Letter to the BoS from the LCCA