Agenda Item

7 21-271 9:35 a.m. Public Hearing and Consideration on Major Use Permit application UP 18-24 proposing to allow for the development of facilities associated with a campground that offers lodging units, central facilities and amenities, on-site water and sewer, and other support facilities on April 8, 2021. The project applicant is Huttopia Six Sigma, LLC. The Planning Commission will consider adoption of a Mitigated Negative Declaration for this project based on Initial Study IS 18-24. The project is located at 13444 Spruce Grove Road, Lower Lake California on Assessor's Parcel Numbers (APNs) 012-012-69.

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    Bobby Dutcher over 3 years ago

    The American public is increasing their desire to enjoy outdoor activities. This project will allow many people to come to Lake County and enjoy camping in a controlled setting. This seems much safer than having them try camping on their own and increasing the risk of wildfires from escaped campfires or poorly operated stoves. Glamping will definitely expand in the future nationwide and I'm glad to see Lake County taking a big step forward in this form of recreation. I strongly support this project. Thank you.
    Bobby Dutcher

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    Richard Knoll over 3 years ago

    Lake County Planning Commissioners:
    The Huttopia Six Sigma Ranch Glamping Resort, as with other Huttopia Resorts in Canada, Europe, and the USA will incorporate an eco-design approach with a light development footprint that will minimize impacts on the environment and preserve many of the natural features of the Six Sigma Ranch and Winery site. There will be an emphasis on privacy and on maximizing space in between lodging sites.
    This project is a great fit for Lake County, and will be a showcase facility that will attract visitors to the area and create positive economic development impact.
    I support approval of the Major Use Permit for the Huttopia Six Sigma Ranch Glamping Resort and hope that the Planning Commission will too.
    Richard Knoll

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    Toccarra Thomas over 3 years ago

    This comment was entered on behalf of Warren Sherrin please see attached

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    Michael Colbruno over 3 years ago

    I strongly support the glamping proposal submitted by Six SIgma. I am just down the road from them on J-Grade and they're property is visible to us from from the north end of our parcel. Six Sigma is a vital part of our community in the Spruce Grove area. They are not only an outstanding winery with incredible events, but they open up their property for recreational uses like hiking, walking dogs, camping, mountain biking or just exploring nature. They provide amenities to the public, like a guide to wildflowers and books on the local history of the area. Six Sigma sets the standard for how a business should operate and what it means to be a good neighbor. They have taken an area of Lake County that was once considered isolated and, some would say, even dangerous, and turned it into a community resource for all ages. This proposal has my enthusiastic and unquestioned support!