Agenda Item

3 21-266 9:15 a.m. Public Hearing and Consideration of a Major Use Permit (UP 19-33) to consider approval of a commercial cannabis cultivation project on a 335+ acre property, and consideration of adopting a Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS 19-51) on Thursday April 8, 2021, 9:20 a.m., in the Board of Supervisors' Chambers, 255 N. Forbes Street, Lakeport, California. Applicant / Owner: Three Bees LLC. Proposed Project: Sixteen (16) A-Type 3 medium outdoor cannabis cultivation licenses requesting 696,960 sq. ft. of cannabis cultivation area and one (1) A-Type 13 self-distribution license. Location: 21210, 21470, 21355 and 21340 Eureka Road and 18464 Butts Canyon Road, Middletown, CA. APNs: 014-003-24; 014-140-17, 19, 20 and 21.

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    Jennifer Smith over 3 years ago

    This project has been operating in compliance with state and local laws. There have been no complaints from the neighbors. The owners operate with integrity and valuable contributors to the community. This project brings well paying jobs and a positive financial impact to our community.
    There seems to be a misconception from the public comment about the size of the existing and proposed project. I believe that if the neighbor knew the actual canopy size of the project that their concern would be alleviated. Open communication between the applicant and the neighbor would surely result in a positive relationship.

    Overall, this is the type of cannabis operation that we should want to operate in the County of Lake.

    -Jennifer Smith