Agenda Item

6.1 9:05 A.M. - Public Input

  • 2103328773197815
    Bobby Dutcher over 3 years ago

    Last week the Planning Commission reviewed a number of measures making it much more difficult and expensive to farm cannabis in Lake County. This agenda has even more bad news for the industry, in spite of the millions of dollars in Measure C taxes collected last year, creating hundreds of badly needed jobs during a pandemic, and triggering one of the most positive real estate price increases the County has ever seen. This is a very unfortunate signal to send to our fastest growing business sector. Now that you have picked on them for a couple of weeks, how about something positive? A near-future Agenda item should review the square footage and acreage density allowed for cannabis cultivation. A neighboring County appears to be approving a measure that 10% of a qualifying property can be used for cultivation. Lake County can greatly benefit from adopting the same policy. Also review which permits should actually need a Major vs. Minor Use Permit.