Agenda Item

6.2 21-36 9:06 A.M. - Consideration to (a) Waive the formal bidding process, pursuant to Lake County Code Section 38.2, as it is not in the public interest due to the unique nature of goods or services; (b) Approve Agreement for Provision of Satellite Imagery Services by Planet Labs to the County of Lake, authorizing the Chair to sign.

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    Sean Connell over 3 years ago

    I strongly oppose the ability to waive the formal budding process, and sign the agreement between Lake County and Planet Labs. This item is recommended for Waive of formal bidding process because "it is not in the public interest" however you are proposing to have satellite imagery of this county provided to you for review and action. This is 100 % within the public interest, not to mention the fact that this board has decided to close County operation to the public. In stead of providing a pathway to legality, this board is moving closer and closer to a restrictive, exclusionary approach to new industry. In a community rot with economic issues, a consistent tax base will be the only way to provide for continues operation.
    Please do no sign this action, and allow the formal bidding process to take place. At the least, provide a pathway to licensure that will allow for cultivators to proceed in the legally regulated market. There are better ways to spend $50,000.
    Sean Connell