Agenda Item

1 20-1272 9:05 A.M. - Public Hearing on Consideration off a Major Use Permit (UP 19-08) and a Mitigated Negative Declaration based on Initial Study (IS 19-14). The project applicant Golden State Herb / Crystal Keesey is proposing a (1) A-Type 3 "medium outdoor" license; (4) A-Type 2 "small outdoor" licenses, and (1) A-Type 13 "self-distribution" license. The project also proposes two 120 sq.ft. sheds for use as chemical and data storage for the security system. The two cultivation areas will be enclosed in a 6' tall metal fence that will be screened. The total proposed cultivation area will be about two acres in size based on the material submitted to the County. The project is located at 8550 Highway 175, Kelseyville, further described as APN 011-055-06

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    Donna Mackiewicz about 4 years ago

    I find that the proposed project has a potentially significant impact on the environment unless mitigated and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT should be required. The request of the client of a delineation of the waters was requested, not conducted, and should be addressed in compliance with CEQA. Wildlife corridors? Mitigation for the loss of oaks? Address the amount of greenhouse gas emissions from the removal of carbon-sequestering forest land? Cannabis long-term effects to the groundwater?