Agenda Item

6.6 20-1082 9:19 A.M. - Appoint/reappoint members of the Lake County Planning Commission for a two year term (a) Reappoint District 1 Commissioner John H. Hess III; (b) Reappoint District 2 Commissioner Everardo Chavez Perez; (c) Reappoint District 3 Commissioner Batsulwin A. Brown; (d) Reappoint District 4 Commissioner Christina Price; and (e) Appoint District 5 Commissioner Lance Williams

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    Jennifer Smith almost 4 years ago

    I’d like to voice my support of the appointment of Lance Williams to District 5 Planning Commission. Through Lance’s work in the community and local politics he will bring a new and different perspective to many of the land use issues facing Lake County. Lance has proven to be a fair and equitable participant in current land use projects. I look forward to working with Lance is the new capacity.